Damon Ankers

Truck driving in snow

Managing transport in difficult circumstances

As recent news reports demonstrate, the UK is ill equipped to deal with adverse weather conditions and a sudden snowstorm can cause considerable disruption to transport operations, costing industry thousands of pounds. However, in many European countries where snow is an everyday part of winter life, preparation pays dividends; vehicles are fitted with winter tyres […]

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Olympic route map

The Olympics and its logistics legacy

Tim Fawkes, Business Development Director of 3t logistics (www.3t-europe.com), one of the UK’s leading transport management companies ,explains how 3t  worked with its clients to help them prepare for the Olympic period, ensuring that customer service levels were maintained throughout the Games Defying all the gloomy predictions of chaos and disorganisation, the London Olympics and

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Two HGVs on motorway

How can purchasing managers reduce their transport costs?

Many areas of British industry are struggling to successfully balance the pressure of cost increases caused by inflationary issues with the demands of consumers seeking both lower costs and improved service levels. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix: the only truly sustainable way of achieving this is to become more efficient internally by driving out waste.

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JCB World Parts Centre

Cutting transport costs – but not at your customers’ expense

Tim Fawkes explains how companies can reduce transport costs whilst maintaining high levels of customer service using the example of their work with the components division of  JCB. If there’s one good thing to come out of a recession, it’s the fact that it forces businesses to streamline their systems and implement more cost effective

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Motorway traffic slow shutter speed photo

Where is the waste in your transport operation?

Can you reduce waste in your transport operation? Many companies are missing opportunities to reduce waste in their transport operations argues Tim Fawkes of transport management company 3t Logistics (www.3t-europe.com). Tim has these suggestions for making a start.   Many industries are facing the same problem in Britain and Europe: rising costs for energy, transport, labour and raw materials.

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3t File watcher

3T File Watcher

3T File Watcher 3T File Watcher monitors an import file directory and returns results on the files waiting to be processed as well as running a log query to determine that the import application is still running. Support Details If you encounter any issues with our application please contact the support team on the following

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3t LoadManager

3T LoadManager Load Manager is Rest web services for load manager client application. Client can track delivery plan process, manage event and upload the proof of delivery. Customer can also use the web portal to manage order, delivery plan and driver. Customer also able manage return information from the driver ie event, time stamp and

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