Helping drivers to ride the ‘green wave’

Written By Damon Ankers


green traffic light

Lowering emissions is vital when working in the logistics industry. As well as the many benefits of 4PL, lowering overall carbon emissions is one of the most important to many companies.

With new technologies and innovations, there are a growing number of ways for logistics to lower its carbon footprint. One of the latest is a traffic light monitoring app that serves to help HGV drivers reduce emissions.

How it works

The smartphone app, Green Wave, allows drivers to monitor upcoming traffic light signals and thus drive more efficiently. Knowing that a traffic light is changing in advance means that drivers can adapt their speed, minimising the number of stops and starts at the lights in a journey.

By minimising this, fuel and emissions should be reduced. The app is currently being trialled in Birmingham on a 12-month pilot.

The aim is to deliver a 10% reduction in monthly fuel costs and emissions over the 12 months. If the trial proves to be successful in lowering emissions, it could spread to other cities and is certainly an area that 3T could look toward.

The app is being funded as part of the Department for Transports commitment of £20m to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality in the freight sector. There are a number of projects in the government’s programme, all aiming to lower the 30% of the UK’s CO2 transport emissions that is accountable for by the freight industry.

4PL, the alternative to lower emissions

The government has shown a commitment to reducing freight vehicles emissions and our service is helping the logistics sector move towards its goal of lowering carbon emissions. 3T provides a direct removal of carbon miles from freight and delivery operations.

3T helps companies to optimise logistics routes, as well as streamline warehousing strategy to fulfil orders in fewer deliveries – saving costs on transport as well as lowering emissions. Contact us on 0116 2824 111 for information about how our services can help your business.

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