UK leads on sustainable urban logistics

Written By Damon Ankers


HGV parked on urban street with passing traffic

The UK has come out on top in a comparison between British sustainable urban logistics activity and that which takes place in Scandinavian countries.

Karin Fossheim and Jardar Andersen of the Institute of Transport Economics in Oslo, Norway, undertook a literature review of studies into sustainable urban logistics in Scandinavia and the UK for the European Transport Research Review.

They looked at three types of planning: Sustainable Urban Transport Plans (SUTP), Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULP), and the extent to which they are used in the relevant countries.

“It is found that urban freight plans are used more frequently in the UK than in the Scandinavian countries,” they write in their report summary.

But both show evidence of uptake of sustainable urban logistics practices – and this is especially apparent when logistics sustainability is tackled through collaboration, they add.

“SUTP, SUMP and SULP methodologies are used in existing Scandinavian and UK urban freight plans, especially when a collaborative planning approach is being practiced.”

Sustainability is one of the core aspects of City Logistics, an approach to urban logistics that focuses on environmental issues, access and other specific challenges of the urban landscape while working towards cost savings for operators and faster deliveries for customers.

Effective planning for urban logistics

3T Group’s 4PL services can help you to plan urban logistics operations more effectively, using principles of City Logistics as well as generally optimising your routes in urban and rural areas alike.

Our transport management platforms help you to achieve faster deliveries, with less disruption to your schedules, through continuing incremental productivity gains.

To find out more about our transport management platforms and 4PL services in general, contact 3T Group today on 0116 2824 111.

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